Health research has a great value for society since it helps those who make decisions regarding health care, it provides important information about the trends of diseases and risk factors. Clinical trials are a key research tool for the advancement of medical knowledge and patient care. This is essential to provide important information about the effectiveness and effects of medical treatments. In the case of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, scientific studies and clinical cases have helped to define the applications of the treatment and its benefits in different pathologies.

This medical / scientific knowledge must be disseminated correctly to help improve and advance medical care. The results of the research help those who make health care decisions and give them the resources to define the strategies and treatments that work best.

Medical research has led to important discoveries in the field of hyperbaric medicine, the development of therapy and a marked improvement in the quality of care. That is why the AAMHEI recognizes the enormous impact it can have on the health of the community and works hard for the research and development of hyperbaric medicine. At the same time, it promotes good practices in order to guarantee the high quality of patient care.